Jul 28, 2011

Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger

"[...] Kiss me till you're drunk
And I'll show you
All the moves like Jagger [...]

Damn, this song "is a must!". Este un "microb muzical de vara" incurabil, ma jur!
Conform versurilor, se ia una bucata "geek" care vrea sa impresioneze una bucata "hot momma" spunandu-i ca are miscarile lui Mike Jagger (The Rolling Stones). Tipic si banal, dar (exista MEREU un dar...), linia melodica intrece tipicul si banalul. Press play si imi vei da dreptate [;)]. Ba mai mult, vei da din cap si la sfarsit vei zambi [:p]. Remember Zohan?! (You don't mess with the Zohan) La refrenul piesei numai pe el il am in minte (disco disco good good, gen [:))])
"Moves Like Jagger" a fost scrisa de Adam Levine (Maroon 5) , Benny Blanco si Shellback (cei doi fiind si producatorii ei). Piesa a intrat direct pe locul 8 in Billboard Hot 100. Prin urmare, atat cei de la Maroon 5 cat si Christina Aguilera nu au mai "ocupat" o pozitie atat de buna (din prima), din 2007 respectiv 2008.
Melodia o putei gasi pe cel de al 3-lea albumul Maroon 5 intitulat "Hands All Over" (delux edition, lansata in cursul acestui an. Un fel de al 4-lea album).

De ce feat. Christina Aguilera si nu au spus Marron 5 and a lilttle bit of Christina Aguilera, huh?! [:))]

Enjoy 'n pump up the volume! *O* [peace out!]

Jul 5, 2011

Jennifer Lopez - Louboutins

[...] Now you got me stressin out on the phone
But it’s the last time I’m movin on
I’m throwin on my Louboutins [...]

Ah, ce imi plac piesele care vorbesc in locul meu. De fapt, imi plac versurile... Iar piesele, le ador! Dansez si cant cu o placere maxima [:))]
Ok... Louboutins este o piesa scrisa si produsa de The-Dream si Tricky Stewart, cantata de Jennifer Lopez. Piesa a fost un "oameni buni, fiti pe faza, urmeaza un nou album J.Lo", gen. Da, piesa "a anuntat" venirea celui de la saptelea album Jennifer Lopez numit "Love?" iar culmea culmilor este ca nu se afla printre cele 12 piese de pe album. Motivul fiind "divortul" divei de cei de la Sony Music. Piesa fiind inregistrata inaintea lui.
Albumul a fost finalizat dupa "despartire", la o alta casa de productie (Island Records) in 2011.

"sunt flatat ca J.Lo a inregistrat o melodie despre pantofii creati de mine si ii sunt recunoscator pentru ca m-a intrebat daca pronunta numele cum trebuie" (Christian Louboutin)
[ăăăăăăă... eu zica ca nu :))]

Enjoy *peace out!*

... stranger in the night

Din categoria "melodia asta imi va aduce mereu aminte de cineva". Nu, nu este vorba de "love" ci despre "good feeling"... un moment aparut exact cand aveam nevoie, si il voi pastra cu mare drag :)
Versurile astea ma fac sa zambesc, si intr-un mod ciudat, nu ma fac sa visez la "maine" sau la "inimioare" ci imi aduc aminte de faptul ca "senzatia de zambet n-il putem crea singuri" [ma inteleg. Tu, nu trebuie neaparat ;)]

To you...
... because you're unique in the world
The only reason
To go till the end
At every breath of mine,
When I look at you,
After a day full of words,
Without you saying anything to me,
Everything gets clear
To you, because you're the one that found me
At the corner, with my fists closed
With my back against the wall
Ready to defend myself
With my eyes facing the ground
I was standing in the line
With the disappointed people
You've picked me up
Like a cat
And you've taken me with you
To you I sing another song
Because I don't have anything else
Anything better to give to you
Of everything I do have
Take my time
And the magic
That with one jump
Makes us fly in the air
Like papules
To you, because you are
You simply are
The substance of my days
The substance of my days
To you, my great love
And my biggest love
To you, because you've taken my life
And you've done a lot more with it
To you, because you gave time some sense
Without measuring it
To you my great love
And my biggest love
To you
whom I have seen crying in my hand
So fragile that I could have killed you just by squeezing you a little stronger
And then I've seen you
Having the strength of an airplane
Taking your life in your hands
And draging it into a safe zone
To you, because you've teached me how to dream
And the art of the adventure
To you, because you believe in courage
But also in fear
To you, the best thing
That happened to me
To you, because you change all the days
But you always stay the same
To you, because you are
You simply are
The substance of my days
The substance of my dreams
To you, because you are
You truly are
The substance of my dreams
The substance of my days
To you, because you never like yourself
But you're wonderful
Nature's forces gather in you
You're a cliff, a plant, a hurricane
You're the horizon that welcomes me when I go away
To you, the only friend
That I can have
The only love I'd want to have
If you weren't with me.
To you, because you've made my life
So beautiful
that you can turn fatigue
Into an immense pleasure
To you, because you are my great love
And my biggest love
To you, because you've taken my life
And you've made so much more out of it
To you, because you've given time some sense
Without measuring it
To you, great love of mine
My biggest love
To you, because you are
You simply are
The substance of my days
The substance of my dreams
And to you, because you are
You simply are
My days' partner
The substance of my dreams

Jun 29, 2011

Chris Brown - All Back

"Oh, if I have a moment, I'd capture that moment[...]"

Nu sunt fana Chris Brown, dar cand este "pe sentiment" , omu' chiar transmite... cel putin mie.
"Ma plimbam" printre albumele lansate in 2011, si am descoperit "All Back" (scrisa si produsa de Timothy Bloom) in albumul"F.A.M.E" si, as always, "love at first sight".
"F.A.M.E" a fost lansat in luna Martie, avand in spate producatori si compozitori precum Kevin McCall (lucreaza cu Chris Brown de aproape 2 ani), Timbaland, Jean Baptiste, Brian Kennedy, The Messengers etc.
Nu pot spune ca toate cele 13 piese incluse in album promit, dar conform statisticilor, albumul se afla pe locul I in topul Australian Urban Albums Charts, UK R'n'B Albums Charts, US Billboard 200 si US R'n'B/Hip-Hop Albums... dar dupa cum se stie, "cifrele nu sunt exacte" *lol*

Enjoy *peace out!*

Jun 27, 2011

4 - Noul album Beyoncé

Gata, she's a big big girl, in a big big world... Spun asta deoarece "4" este primul album lansat de Beyoncé fara a-l avea pe Mathew Knowles in spate (tatal ei).
Urechile mele nu au plans niciodata din cauza unei piese lansate, sau nu de Beyoncé, si nici nu cred ca vor plange... Ma inclin!
Lucrarile pentru acest album au inceput inca din 2008, imediat dupa ce a fost lansat"I am... Sasha Fierce". Au fost inregistrate 72 de piese pentru albumul "4", dintre care doar 12 au "castigat cursa".
Titlul reprezinta numarul albumelor lansate de Beyoncé dupa despartirea ei de Destny's Child. Banal dar logic...
BabyFace, Brent Kutzle (OneRepublic), Kuk Harrell, Kaney West, The-Dream etc, sunt cei care se afla in spatele pieselor, atat producatori cat si compozitori, si bineinteles, ea, Beyoncé.
Neoficial, piesa intitulata "1+1" este cea care a "spart gheata" albumului, dar oficial a fost "Run the World (Girls)", urmata de "Best Thing I Never Had".
Pana acum am postat piesele/clip-urile de pe youtube, dar de aceasta data voi face pas. Exista un site, unde poti asculta cele 12 piese. Nu le poti descarca, pur si simplu le asculti, daca iti plac, eu zic sa le CUMPERI!

Enjoy *peace out!*

Enrique Iglesias feat. Usher and Lil Wayne - Dirty Dancer

"Tonight (I'm fucking you)" a coborat o treapta. "Dirty Dancer" luandu-i locul. Sorry, dar ma husband is in it aka Usher :D
Dirty Dancer, este un featuring intre latin lover'ul Enrique Iglesias si Usher, scrisa de Evan Bogart (a mai scris piese precum Halo, Jai Ho! etc) si RedOne, care tot el este si producatorul.
Exista si un remix al piesei, unde il vom gasi si pe Lil Wayne. Si, bineinteles, nu a fost lansata versiunea de pe album, ci remix'ul.
Piesa o putem gasi atat pe albumul Euphoria (Enrique Iglesias) cat si pe Versus (Usher).
Dupa spusele lui Adam Graham (Mtv News), "Dirty Dancer" vorbeste despre "o femeie cuvincioasa, dar extrem de periculoasa". Tu ce zici? :))

Enjoy *peace out!*

Apr 16, 2011

Eminem - Without Me

"Guess who's back
Back again

's back
Tell a friend
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
Cause we need a little, controversy
Cause it feels so empty, without
Da, m-am intors. S-au intamplat multe in ultimul an... Fara a-mi da seama am renuntat la multe lucruri care ma faceau sa zambesc, printre care acest blog.
"niciodata nu este prea tarziu"
Peace out

Eminem - Without me