Apr 30, 2012

Rihanna - Where Have You Been [music video]

If you "hate" an artist but you can't stay away from her[his] music stuff, def. s[he]'s a great artist and she knows how to give a "eargasm"
For me, Rihanna is on of them. Hate her, love her "deal". *bow*
2day, the music video of the "Where Have You Been" song was release.
I love this song/ video music because of 3 persons: Dr. Luke (was one of the songs "shakespear"), the one 'n only Dave Meyers (music video's "spielberg") 'n Hit-Hat Ruffin (coregraphe). I make a bow for the last 2. Dave 'n Hit-Hat.

F.Y.I: The line "I've been everywhere, man" is a sample of Geoff Mack's 1959 country song, "I've been everywhere". 
Mack is also one of the "shakespear" of  "Where Have You Been" song.

Enjoy. *peace out!*

MusicThought Dictionary: eargasm - something your ears like to hear. Very, very much.
                                        shakespear - song writter
                                        spielberg - music video director